The number of visitors to Falsterbo Horse Show has been high over the past three years, with over 61,000 people having visited the show. This year the number of visitors to Falsterbo Horse Show 2014 achieved a new record, with over 63,000 visitors.

A total of 63,244 people watched the competitions in Falsterbo during this year’s Falsterbo Horse Show from 5 to 13 July.

“We are delighted, particularly when you consider the perfect weather for swimming that we had to compete with for all nine days of the event. It just goes to show how much interest and confidence there is in the event among the public at large. I think the record number of visitors is because we are reaching a brand new audience. An audience that appreciates an international event that delivers equestrian sport and puts on a show in a wonderful environment,” says Jan Olof “Jana” Wannius, President of Falsterbo Horse Show.

This also means there are still huge opportunities for Falsterbo Horse Show for 2015 and the years ahead.

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