On Sunday 14 july, the sun returned to Falsterbo, and in the afternoon the stands were packed with spectators eager to witness the absolute world elite compete in the prestigious Agria Falsterbo Grand Prix. Germany’s Cross Country expert Sandra Auffarth emerged victorious with Quirici H.

The course for the day was designed by an experienced team of course designers: Spaniards Santiago Varela and Elena Boix, alongside Swedes Fredrik Malm and Frida Andersson. In the first round the team asked the riders to tackle 13 obstacles with 16 jumps and a maximum time of 82 seconds, which proved challenging.

After the first round, only Pius Schwizer (Switzerland), Kristaps Neretnieks (Latvia), Sandra Auffarth (Germany), and Cian O’Connor (Ireland) managed to deliver clear rounds. With 42 competitors participating, this meant that 11 riders would advance to the Winning Round. Seven additional pairs, including Belgium’s Abdel Saïd, who incurred a time fault, joined the clear rounds in the battle for victory.

In an exciting Winning Round, both time and faults proved decisive, and favorites fell one by one. Finally, Sandra Auffarth from Germany, riding Quirici H, clinched the victory, surprising even herself with the win:

– I thought it would be a round to gain experience at this height, and then he jumped super and was super focused! Sandra commented after her win. The horse exceeded her expectation and at the Press Conference she admitted she had no idea how difficult the time would be, nor how fast other riders had been.

With her Grand Prix win, Sandra, a former eventing rider with multiple championship medals, managed to beat some of the world’s best show jumpers; and perhaps it was her her cross country experience that played a role in managing the time throughout the competition, from the initial round to the Winning Round, where she even outpaced the Irish rider Cian O’Connor by over a second.

Final Results Agria Falsterbo Grand Prix:

  1. Sandra Auffarth, GER – Quirici H 0-0/52.56
  2. Cian O’Connor, IRL – Fancy de Kergane 0-0/53.62
  3. Abdel Saïd, BEL – Figueras de Laume 1-1/62.36

For full results, visit: https://online.equipe.com/startlists/978963

Swiss rider Martin Fuchs, renowned for his exceptional skill in equestrian sports, clinched victory in the prestigious showclass Falsterbo Horse Show Rabbit Jumping for equestrians, this year taking the format of a Nations Cup.

The event, a beloved Falsterbo tradition among both spectators and riders, took place on Sunday afternoon at the international jumping arena in stunning sunshine. Each year the organiser of the showclass Ulrika Hedin, has to choose the riders for the competition and each year, more and more riders are asking for the opportunity to compete! An important part of the event is that the riders also need to practice with the rabbit and its owner in advance of the event, learning from an expert and building a partnership of three.

In this years edition Switzerland’s top rider Martin Fuchs, last year’s Grand Prix winner at Falsterbo, and his rabbit Elvis, trained by Joel Hansson Luhanko, delivered a flawless performance, navigating the course with incredible speed and precision. The stunning performance secured the top position, closely followed by, Andre Thime from Germany and the rabbit Mille, trained by  Ellen Lilja. Sweden’s Linda Heed and the rabbit Tokyo ended up on third place, while Mimi Gochman from the USA and Elfie finished forth.

In a heartfelt moment, Fuchs expressed his gratitude to his partner, Elvis, acknowledging the pivotal role the rabbit played in their success today and thanked Elvis for everything he had done for him. Fuchs also shared with the crowd that it was a very special day for him and that winning the Falsterbo Rabbit jumping meant a lot!

For more information about the Rabbit Jumping at Falsterbo Horse Show and Rabbit Jumping as a sport, please contact press@falsterbohorseshow.com that can help to facilitate the conversation with the organisers of the rabbit jumping events at Falsterbo Horse Show where over 200 rabbits compete every year.

Med anledning av att 4-och 5-års finalerna i hoppning har flyttats till söndagen på grund av gårdagens regnfall kommer Folksam Open för 4-åriga hopphästar samt  Folksam Open för 5-åriga hopphästar att streamas fritt på Equisport. Den fria streamingen gäller endast dessa klasser.

The Saturday evening offered a magical conclusion to an unusual day at Falsterbo Horse Show where unpredictable weather conditions led to the relocation of the Agria Grand Prix qualifying round to the international dressage arena.

Despite the change, the competition remained fierce and exhilarating and last year’s Grand Prix champion, Martin Fuchs, once again demonstrated his exceptional skills and secured the win with his horse Bastille.

– It’s amazing to be back, and in front of this crowd, thank you very much to the Swedish fans for supporting me, it’s wonderful to be here, said the happy winner, who also celebrated his 32nd birthday at Falsterbo Horse Show.

In response to the question about what Fuchs thought about the change of arena the happy winner said:

– I actually really enjoyed it, the crowd got really close here to the ring, so that made it great and that’s also something special about this show. The organisers try to do their best with the different alternatives if it doesn’t work out with the grass, so big congratulations to the organising committee for taking this decision.

Tomorrow the big Grand Prix awaits and while recognizing the competition, Martin is eager for another win:

– Obviously the goal is to defend the title this year, but it’s the best riders in the world here, so it’s going to be hard, but I will give my best and if not, I will come back next year.


1. Martin Fuchs, SUI – Bastille 0/63.88

2. Sophie Hinners, GER – Iron Dames My Prins 0/66.25

3. Linda Heed, SWE – Skylander VS 0/66.88

Complete results: https://online.equipe.com/startlists/978311


After two rounds of jumping, both Team Sweden and Team Germany ended up with 8 faults, leading to a nail-biting jump-off. Sweden, represented by Emma Emanuelsson and Canbella Blue PS, went first, and just when it looked like the clear was secured an unfortunate pole fell down for the swede. At the last moment Germany decided to send this weeks Chef d’équipe Andre Thieme and Paule S to defend the German colours. However, the experienced rider could not beat the performance of sweden’s Emma Emanuelsson and Canbella Blue PS who through her ride secured Sweden’s 6th Nations Cup win at Falsterbo Horse Show, and the first one since 2019.

  1. Sweden 8-0-4/36.76
  2. Germany 0-8-12/41.69
  3. Ireland 0-12/218.90

Full results: https://online.equipe.com/star…

The article will be updated.

På torsdagen var det dags för den första internationella hoppningen på Falsterbo Horse Show – Qualifier to the Falsterbo Grand Prix presented by Trikem. Vinnare idag är irländska Darragh Kenny med hingsten Chic Chic.

Klassen, med 50 startande ekipage, gick över hinderhöjden 1.50 m. Första felfria ritten kom med andra startande, tyska Sophie Hinners och Iron Dames My Prince. 14 ekipage tog sig runt banan felfritt, däribland de svenska ryttarna Linn WidmarkAntonia Andersson, Erica Swartz Ryan och Ottilia Lundgren.

Dagens resultat:

  1. Darragh Kenny (IRL) – Chic Chic 0/69.59
  2. Cian O’Connor (IRL) – Eve d’Ouilly 0/69.81
  3. Martin Fuchs (SUI) – Bastille 0/69.99

Fullständig resultatlista: https://online.equipe.com/startlists/977268

Ten of the world’s best show jumping nations will compete in this year’s Agria Falsterbo Nations Cup, which will take place tomorrow, Friday, July 12, at the Falsterbo Horse Show in Sweden. Following an official draw on thursday evening, the starting order for tomorrow’s competition has been decided.


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