Preparing for Falsterbo Horse Show 2021 is a challenge but our hopes and ambitions have constantly been to maintain this year’s event.

And we will, with complete focus on the sport. We are therefore calling this year’s Show:
Falsterbo Horse Show Sport Edition.

Following the Swedish government’s recent announcements that at least 500 visitors will be allowed at outdoor events, we have revised our programme. Itwill be published on our website www.falsterbohorseshow.comon Thursday 20thMay.

Saturday 10thJuly to Monday 12thJuly:
The Show will open with three days of dressage, from ponies and the youngster Folksam Open to national Grand Prix and Grand Prix Freestyle. All this in our top level dressage arena.

Wednesday 14thJuly to Sunday 18thJuly:
Showjumping in the International Arena with six international CSI3* competitions, including Agria Falsterbo Derby and Falsterbo Grand Prix. We will also maintain our national competitions with the Finals of the Folksam Elitallsvenska and 7-Star, all youngster classes as well as the Pony and Young Rider Grand Prix.
The Longines FEI Jumping Nations Cup™ of Swedenwill be postponed and will be back as usual on Friday 15thJuly 2022 with the world’s strongest teams coming to Falsterbo to fight for a win.

From the very beginning of the Corona virus crisis, we have stressed the fact that it would be all or nothingfor Falsterbo Horse Show 2020. Competitions without an audience were never an option for us.

We know that Falsterbo Horse Show is the highlight of many people’s year; our audience, our volunteers, competitors, exhibitors, partners and local companies. We therefore chose to keep our hopes up for as long as possible but time has now caught up with us and it is therefore with great regret that we must announce the cancellation of Falsterbo Horse Show 4 – 12 July 2020.

Just like for the many events around the world that have had to cancel or postpone, the health and safety of all involved is our top priority. The 100thanniversary celebrations will be postponed until 10 – 18 July 2021.

This year’s Falsterbo Horse Show was going to be the best one so far in many ways.  Our 100thanniversary, ticket sales up by 25% and record interest from exhibitors and sponsors all provided very promising conditions for a great event, until March when Covid-19 crept closer.

A cancelled event will obviously affect us greatly and we hope that our ticketholders choose to keep their tickets for 2021. They will soon receive an e-mail from Ticketmaster with the necessary information.

A year passes by quickly and we look forward to welcoming you back and celebrating with you from 10 to 18 July 2021.



We haven’t lost hope. Preparations for the Falsterbo Horse Show are continuing but the organization is monitoring all developments in relation to COVID-19. As the situation evolves over the coming weeks, we will soon be in a better position to update you all with more information.

There should be no doubt that the preparations for Falsterbo Horse Show 2020 and the upcoming 100th anniversary are moving along as planned. We will do everything in our power to make this year’s event at least as successful as previous years!

The work onsite is continuing according to schedule.
Applications for the youngster tours are at the same levels as 2019 and 2018, while the Tour of Amateurs has seen a steep rise in the number of participants.
Ticket sales are up 26.5 % compared to 2019, which was already a record year for us.

Falsterbo Horse Show is 14 weeks ahead, starting July 4th.
We are following the COVID-19 developments closely and will of course adhere to the advice of the Swedish government and authorities. We are also in close contact with the FEI and the Swedish Equestrian Federation.

As soon as we have any new information, we will update our riders, partners, exhibitors and visitors regarding this year’s show. In the meantime, we are still looking forward to welcoming you all in Falsterbo, July 4-12 and hopefully under relatively normal circumstances to allow us to enjoy the sun, summer and Falsterbo Horse Show.

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